Please become familiar with the terms of this quizlet giving an Introduction to Plants.
Watch the clip below paying heed to the following key words.
Texture - Propotion of Sand,Silt and Clay
Porosity - Water holding capacity of Soil
Permeability - Rate at which water flows through
Hi 5th years. Please revise this overview on Humus for tomorrows class. A good idea is to convert into a mindmap.
-is the product of the breakdown of
organic matter (dead plants and animals)
-holds minerals in the soil due to
its high cation exchange capacity
-absorbs the water and can greatly
improve the quality of otherwise poor (sandy) soils.
-improves and strengthens the crumb
structure of heavy soils.
-it forms clay - humus complexes,
which improves soil stability.
-its dark colour improves the warming
capabilities of the soil (i.e. it is able to absorb more heat from the sun)
-can make the soil more acidic (an
advantage and disadvantage depending on the use of the soil).
Apologies about quality. Just click on Mindmap to get a clearer picture. Copy into notes for tomorrow.
Two quick clips on soil formation and soil horizons. Watch all of the first clip and to 3.08 in the second for relevant information.
Mr Gilmartin